| July 12, 2023

What is a deep-plane facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate the face and address signs of aging, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of volume. It is a more advanced technique compared to traditional facelift procedures.

During a deep plane facelift, the surgeon makes incisions typically around the hairline and extends them around the ears. Through these incisions, they can access the deeper layers of the face, specifically the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) layer. The SMAS layer is a fibrous layer of tissue beneath the skin that connects the facial muscles.

Unlike traditional facelift techniques that primarily lift and tighten the skin, the deep plane facelift involves repositioning and tightening the SMAS layer along with the skin. By targeting the deeper structures, this technique can provide more natural and longer-lasting results.

The surgeon carefully lifts the SMAS layer and repositions it to a more youthful position, which helps restore volume and improve facial contours. Excess skin is then trimmed, and the incisions are closed.

Benefits of a deep plane facelift may include improved jawline definition, reduction in nasolabial folds (lines between the nose and mouth), lifting of the cheeks, and overall rejuvenation of the lower face and neck.

It’s important to note that a deep plane facelift is a surgical procedure that requires expertise and should be performed by a qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Standefer who has performed thousands of facial surgeries.  The deep plane facelift is the gold standard and uses this technique on all his facelift patients.